Landmark College于2014年启动了LEAP,为学生提供商业计划的支持,并为他们的想法提供高达10美元的可能性,000 of seed funding. 对LEAP的响应是巨大的,该计划继续扩大和发展. 如今,LEAP是一个知名的校园实体,也是一个建设的场所, test, 并开发程序,通过交流来支持神经多样性人才, innovation, and action. LEAP has been a member of ENACTUS, Fair Trade Colleges, and subscribes to the HubSpot Academy 让所有学生都能接触到这些网络和机会.
- WLMC Landmark College Radio, (student life)—LEAP supports student-hosted programs, advertising, marketing, and enterprise development in DJ events, beats mixing, 以及我们全国认可的大学广播电台的播客, 它获得了校际广播系统奖“最佳互联网/流媒体大学广播电台(10岁以下,000 students)" in 2022 and 2023.
- VOICES TV-LEAP直接与学院的电视演播室合作, 支持学生的创造力,提供资源,准备学生在他们选择的研究领域进行交流.
- LCVoices.com支持学生媒体的创新和创意.
- Career Connectionsc(学术)-通过Landmark College的职业关系, LEAP hires interns, work-study students, managers, 并在外部就业与员工和管理技能发展之间提供了重要的桥梁.
- Idea Lab-由Landmark College的学生创立,创意实验室已成为LEAP的核心. It is a center filled with Legos, fabric arts, visual arts, games, and space to work, play, or simply relax. 请留意我们定期举办的创客工作坊和创意果酱披萨派对.
- LEAP Club—Formed by Landmark College student entrepreneurs, this club sponsor trips, speaker series, workshops, 并支持学生企业家的企业发展和启动.
- Maker Space-科技与创新在创客空间相遇,这里有激光切割机、3d打印机、电路等. 创客空间由学生组成,对所有人开放,只需要很少的培训. LEAP on in and try it out!
- MiniLab—The classroom comes alive in the student’s hands. 在这里,学生使用视频和编辑设备制作宣传和产品视频, social media posts, and animation. 他们在工作室里使用数码摄影,甚至在教室里做项目. LEAP雇佣学生实习生来运营MiniLab,并举办培训研讨会. The MiniLab is open to all regardless of experience.
- Entrepreneurship Day:—Every fall LEAP hosts Entrepreneurship Day, 神经多样性的企业家会在哪里来到校园分享他们的故事, meet students, and assist in enterprise development and mentoring. 这一天包括一个创新研讨会,提供午餐,和一个小型的投球比赛. All are welcome.
- $10,000 Pitch Competition-每年我们的校园企业家都有机会以总共10美元的价格推销自己,000 in start-up funding. Training and coaching is provided by LEAP. Past Pitch winners include food delivery services, honey production, 3-D animation and virtual reality, security systems, and more. LEAP投手通常会在哈佛大学和哈佛大学的其他比赛中投球 Draper Competition.
- Harvard University Social Entrepreneurship Conference每年春天,LEAP的学生都会乘坐Shark巴士前往 Harvard University Social Entrepreneurship Conference in Boston, Massachusetts. 在这里,学生们与同龄人建立联系,提出想法,参加研讨会,寻找灵感.
- Curricula-LEAP与传播与企业领导力文学学士学位(BA-COMEL)和专业研究系捆绑在一起. 许多在这些领域上课的学生也可以通过使用LEAP完成作业或使用LEAP资源获得学分. LEAP是跨学科的,欢迎校园内的项目,包括STEM和美术.
- Academic Internships-每学期从申请者中选出一名学生作为LEAP和专业研究部门的实习生. Often these students are entrepreneurs themselves. 实习经历帮助学生加深创业和领导技能,同时与同学分享经验和企业.
- Student Success Stories—捐赠帽树计划为有需要的社区成员带来温暖 (Brattleboro Reformer, December 2022)
Director: LEAP is part of the Professional Studies Department. Please contact Academic Dean John Vitale.
“In my eyes, everyone is an entrepreneur. 我的工作是点燃人们的激情和能量,让他们去追求自己的梦想和愿景,并使之成为现实. As entrepreneurs we have the power to change the world. 从可持续发展的角度来看,我们可以让它变得更好.” –Dr. Tamara Stenn, Assistant Professor of Professional Studies